2021 awards ceremony

Theme: Wildlife and the City

Wildlife and the City

Our planet is home to countless small and beautiful creatures, each contributing to the intricate balance of nature. Sadly, we often neglect these magnificent beings, failing to recognize their importance and the dangers they face. Pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change threaten their survival, pushing many species toward extinction. It is essential that we appreciate and protect these delicate creatures to ensure the health and diversity of our ecosystems for future generations.

Event Details

  • Date: April 13th, 2024
  • Venue: Zoom
  • Total participants: 206

participating schools

Since 2020, we’ve worked with 197 schools and education institutes from Hong Kong, Mainland China, the United Kingdom, and Australia

supporting organizations

A Plastic Ocean Foundation (APO) is a charitable organization registered in Hong Kong, dedicated to creating a wave of change to stop plastic pollution and to be part of the solution through science, education, and policy advocacy. APO is a group of dedicated scientists, educators, social entrepreneurs, scholars, and journalists who are concerned about the fragile state of our ocean and are working together with other NGOs and the community to change attitudes towards plastic in one generation.

Chatteris Educational Foundation was established in 1990 as a registered non-profit charitable organization. Join Chatteris on its mission to enhance the English proficiency of young people, empowering them for success and promoting cultural understanding.

Located in the heart of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has a well-earned reputation as an innovative hub for research and professional education and for addressing global issues and empowering positive change.

Encompass HK is a social enterprise that offers training and consultancy services to educate and support organizations to be more diversified and inclusive, including meeting global standards e.g. sustainable development goals (SDGs). Encompass HK serves the community by supporting different social causes and NGOs financially as well as through a collaborative model while delivering our SDG programs.

Hong Kong Shark Foundation (HKSF) is a registered charity dedicated exclusively to shark conservation. We aim to raise awareness about shark conservation, particularly the unsustainable practice of shark finning, and to reduce consumption of shark products in Hong Kong.

Lingnan University (LU) is a liberal arts university in Hong Kong with the longest established tradition among the local institutions of higher education. The University’s history dates back to 1888. LU is a global leader in quality education. It ranks first for “International Faculty”, “Inbound Exchange Students” and “Outbound Exchange Students” in QS Asia University Rankings 2021; ranks third for “Quality Education” in THE University Impact Rankings 2021, and ranks 33rd for “International Faculty” in QS World University Rankings 2022.

Bringing education equity requires long term and sustainable solutions from all sectors. Teach for Hong Kong‘s program aims to bring systemic changes over the long run while in the short run directly impacting underprivileged students.

The Zubin Foundation is a registered charity in Hong Kong dedicated to improve the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities.


How would you like to support us?

If you are an expert we would love to host workshops and have you share your knowledge with our team

If you would like to support us financially with our Voices for the Planet challenge please click here