9-16 years old
Maryknoll Fathers' school (Primary)
Maryknoll Fathers' school (Primary)
Excellence Award
Selina Chang
HKCA Po Leung Kuk School
Selina Chang
HKCA Po Leung Kuk School
Mia Lu
Nord Anglia International School HK
Mia Lu
Nord Anglia International School HK
Challenge 4) Wildlife Music Videos
Maryknoll Fathers' school (Primary) 9 years old
For the beauty of the earth – People live harmoniously with nature.
Excellence Award
Selina Chang - 10 years old
HKCA Po Leung Kuk School
The plant
Certificate of Participation
Mia Lu - 8 years old
Nord Anglia International School HK
Honey bee the best pollinators – A music video about bees and pollination.