Sing a Song About Winged Animals
Overview Details
Challenge Objectives
Approximate length of time the challenge should take: 2-5hrs, over a period of 1-2 weeks
Challenge Objectives
- Learn a song that features winged animals, nature, or sustainability
- Search the web for a song that you like and suits your vocal type
- Make sure your intonation is good, the pitches are accurate
- Record yourself using a mic/camera, or smartphone, or tablet.
- English Language and Literacy,
- Music,
- Musicality,
- Emotions and Sound,
- Multimedia and Editing Skills,
- Performance Skills
- Access to technology,
- Audiovisual recordings like Smartphone or tablet
Outline of task
Step 1: Choose a song that features winged animals, nature, or sustainability. Participants can sing individually or in a group.
You can choose one song from the list below, but it’s not required.
Step 2: Understand your song, research the meaning of the words
- Learn the backgrounds of the lyricist and the composer
- Find out why this piece was written
- What is the meaning the piece is trying to convey
- What kind of impact is it trying to make?
- Pay attention to rhythm, tempo, intonation, dynamics, and phrasing
Step 3: Next, prepare your song!
- What’s the main idea of this song? What messages do you want to convey through your singing?
- Understand your voice. Sing in a key that is right for you.
- What do you feel when you hear this song? How to express your emotions when singing?
- How to engage listeners and keep them with you?
- How to make the most impact?
- Make sure each section of the choir is in balance with the other and the main melody is more prominent.
Remember! You want your listeners to feel their emotions! If they feel their emotions when they listen to your song, it means you have succeeded!
Step 4: Record yourself
- How to record yourself at home with a mobile phone (Click here to watch!)
Points to remember!
- Find out as much as you can about the song.
- Think about how you can make an outstanding singing performance and keep the audience’s attention.
- Wear something bright or in contrast with the background, so you will stand out. Choose a natural background if you can.
- Record a few times, listen and choose the best version.
- Make the listener feel emotions! Then they will protect what they love.
- Have the best audio setup possible. It will affect the quality of your recording.
Play an Instrument About Winged Animals
Overview Details
Challenge Objectives
Approximate length of time the challenge should take: 2-5hrs, over a period of 1-2 weeks
Challenge Objectives
- Learn a music piece that features winged animals, nature, or sustainability
- Search the web for a music piece that you like and suits your instrument type
- Make sure your tone is good, the notes are accurate
- Record yourself using a mic/ camera, smartphone, or tablet
- Music,
- Musicality,
- Emotions and Sound,
- Multimedia and Editing Skills,
- Performance Skills
- Access to technology,
- Audiovisual recordings like Smartphone or tablet
Play an Instrument
Play an Instrument
Play an Instrument About Beautiful Winged Animals, Nature, or Sustainability
2023 winners
Outline of task
Step 1: Choose a music piece that features winged animals, nature, or sustainability.
You can choose a song from the list below, but it’s not required.
Step 2: Understand your music piece, research the meaning of the words
- Learn the backgrounds of the composer
- Find out why this piece was written
- What is the meaning the piece is trying to convey
- What kind of impact is it trying to make?
- Pay attention to rhythm, tempo, intonation, dynamics, and phrasing
Elements of music: click here
Step 3: Next, prepare your music piece!
- What’s the main idea of this music piece? What messages do you want to convey through your music?
- Understand your instrument.
- What do you feel when you hear this song? How to express your emotions when playing your instrument?
- How to engage listeners and keep them with you?
- How to make the most impact?
- Make sure each section of the choir is in balance with the other and the main melody is more prominent.
And remember! You want your listeners to feel their emotions! If they feel their emotions when they listen to your song, it means you have succeeded!
Step 4: Record yourself
- How to record yourself at home with a mobile phone (Click here to watch!)
Points to remember!
- Find out as much as you can about the music piece.
- Think about how you can make an outstanding performance and keep the audience’s attention.
- Wear something bright or in contrast with the background, so you will stand out. Choose a natural background if you can.
- Record a few times, listen and choose the best version.
- Make the listener feel emotions! Then they will protect what they love.
- Have the best audio setup possible. It will affect the quality of your recording.
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- What are winged animals and why are they at risk?
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