Thank you for giving a voice to the planet

Inspiring people, especially the young generation, to fall in love with wildlife and nature through the power of music, arts, and education. Your support of our educational projects will make a profound impact on positively engaging the young to love and protect our natural world.
1. Donation Form (HKD) full (#35)

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Other Payment Methods

You can also donate by direct bank transfer or PayMe

BANK #: 741767404838

Hong Kong taxpayers who would like a tax-exempt donation receipt from us, please kindly send us your receipt to

US taxpayers who would like their donation to be tax-deductible are encouraged to give through the Friends of LumiVoce – A Voice for the Wild” CAF platform.


How would you like to support us?

If you are an expert we would love to host workshops and have you share your knowledge with our team

If you would like to support us financially with our Voices for the Planet challenge please click here