Madeleine is the volunteer writer of LumiVoce wildlife story, “The Adventures of Baby Lucky”. Madeleine comes from Africa and having respect for nature and wildlife is part of what it means to be from that vast continent. The willful killing of animals for human gratification is something that has always bothered her. She and her friend Joey Venter wanted to be part of an organization that hare their passion. They contacted LumiVoce finally.
Madeleine believes that storytelling is part of what makes us human. In the digital age, it is often neglected and undervalued. Stories are how we interact with the world, how we learn to understand our humanity and allow us to develop, recognize and celebrate feelings. A modern notion of using stories as a tool to teach facts is undermining this. With Lucy, Madeleine told a story from the baby rhinoceros’ point of view. We can only change our behavior if we can “walk in another man’s shoes.” When children hear stories that move them, then and only then do you speak to their heart and can you change the world.